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Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 04 Aug 2009
by Way2go
Although it's essential to choose ONE anti-virus program ONLY to be resident on the computer, it can assist to have more than one anti-spyware program as these find more things that are missed by the anti-spyware bit of the anti-virus. I use Ad-Aware as well and it's surprising what it weeds, even immediately after a full run of the AVG. I used to use Spybot as well but havent bothered beyond Ad-Aware for some time now. :D

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Ahhh, spyware, erm, I've never had anti spyware EVER.
So I guess I should yes?

In which case, is Ad-Aware free?
And if so, where can I get it?
And if it costs, how much, and, er, where do I get it?


Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Way2go
Yes Ad-Aware is by Lavasoft and it is a free one to download. :D

Here's a Linky:

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Right, ta.
So, I guess I'd best get AVG installed, and AsAware...
Blimey, it's all so complicated.
Why doesn't someone just do a program that does fucking everything?

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Philhod
Because the bastards upgrade everything every 5 minutes and then there's ..err ..well this won't work with that and that won't work with t'other...yadda yadda.
[doc] [doc] [doc] [doc] 'ers

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I've only just noticed the squirty bit on that emoticon :lol: :lol:

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Vanny
Dont make the same mistake twice Docco!

I have AVG, and nothing else, no extra spyware catcher, no extra fire wall, just AVG Free 8, and i've been that way for a good few years now without problems!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Well, I've never had any spyware stuff, and never had any problems...

I'm guessing that the more spyware / viral thingy's and all that the slower the puter will be?
Since at the moment I have nothing, nothing at all, and the speed is awesome!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Way2go
docchevron1472 wrote:
I'm guessing that the more spyware / viral thingy's and all that the slower the puter will be?
Since at the moment I have nothing, nothing at all, and the speed is awesome!
Your deduction is correct Holmes! :wink:

Trouble is the new versions of things work "on the fly" to trap crap as it arises rather than just clean it up later so that's why there's a speed penalty.

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
so in short then, I still need Vanny to build me a computer that isn't shit then!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Way2go
You can have the world's most wonderful computer but if you don't have an adequate firewall + Antivirus + Anti-spyware installed, the computer is at risk and your private data may not remain private!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 05 Aug 2009
by Vanny
well thats clearly bollocks. Deep Blue never had a problem, nor did it have viruses! Infact most super computers dont run with virus protection because there is no point. You only need all these things if your pumping shit into a computer, dont connect to the net, dont stick removable media and you'll be fine! Shit in, shit out.

Firewalls are bloody useful if your on the internet, but anti spyware and antivirus are only needed if you download shit. More over most routers these days have firewalls and spam traps built in, giving no reduction in performance for connected clients.

See, its all cloak and dagers! If your only on the internet then you dont need much processing power at all. I believe Mr Rutherford runs a webserver from a 486 box from the barn! Clever.

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by jonathan_dyane
(whispers) GNU/Linux...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
I love the idea of Linux, I really really do, but I'd need someone that knows what they are doing to sit next to me and talk me through the basics, I've read shit loads about it, but I need to see it in action to actually get a grasp of it really..

So, since the only sites I ever visit are this one, Facebook, and some bus dorums, plus things like screw you directly and wood merchants then the likelyhood of getting a viral thing are remote?

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Way2go
Vanny wrote:well thats clearly bollocks. Deep Blue never had a problem, nor did it have viruses! Infact most super computers dont run with virus protection because there is no point. You only need all these things if your pumping shit into a computer, dont connect to the net, dont stick removable media and you'll be fine! Shit in, shit out.
No it's not bollocks because we're talking about a computer (Docs) that is to be connected to the Internet and which will be visiting any sites in cyberspace of his choosing. Trojan's and worms etc can be unknowingly downloaded on legitimate downloads from sites that have been compromised by hackers and can cause a variety of problems. You don't necessaily have to visit or download from an obviously dodgy site to be unlucky in this regard.

Also if you experience difficulty with software or operation , look at the legitimate people who can take over your computer remotely and make changes to intructions , code etc to sort out your problems. Maybe some unauthorised people may wish to do this too (sad folk!).
How about these bot infections enabling the construction of bot nets which are sold to corporates for nefarious purposes?

As to Deep Blue which was a stand-alone chess computer with a dedicated team of programmers it's irrelevant because it was not connected to public or outside networks to get as you rightly say the shit in. Supercomputers are never usually directly connected to the outside world either but as in the case of the weather computers they have peripheral computers interfacing via hardware firewalls relaying stuff to the other departments and centres and teams of people are constantly looking after these technically. It's a different league of computing to Docs needs.

It would indeed be good if we didn't need to be on our guard against these problems on our inconsequential internet connected machines to use programs which have no positive purpose only to guard against negative issues. But it's humans that create the problems...............

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132

if I begged someone (like David R for example!) to show me how to use LINUX, then I wouldn't really need any of this shit would I?
And I'd no longer be bound to MS, which is just fucking great as far as I'm concerned...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Vanny
Way2go wrote:You can have the world's most wonderful computer but if you don't have an adequate firewall + Antivirus + Anti-spyware installed, the computer is at risk and your private data may not remain private!

Where in that statement does it say 'We are talking about Docs computer which has to be raped by the internet'?

Don't make blase (sp) open statements if a) there wrong b) you don't want the inaccuracies to be pointed out!

Docco, dont believe in Linux/GNU, there is little point if your only going on the internet! If you want outright internet performance you need to go to a much more out of the way WIMP OS such as RISCOS. I've got an internet box with it on, and can be on the internet within 30seconds of switching on, and it is totally resilient to any sort of attack, as no one has bothered to write a virus (or other) for it!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Philhod
Ah! while we're on that subject. What possible reason is there for some twat to write a programme that spreads a virus into every fuckers computer?????

I mean, If you have a problem with say... microsoft, direct it at them, not some unsuspecting bastard who just likes porn or whatever. [coat]

Just for the record I thought we were talking about Doc's computer wtg

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Vanny
blah blah blah

There is potential for Viruses etc to make money, thats the reason they exist

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
ok, so how easy is RISCOS to use then?

Please remember, I know naff all about computer code past 8086 era..

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Vanny
piece of piss, ROM based, so you dont actually need a HD. I wouldn't recomend it though! You should have a play when you come round with your tarted unit! PS i doubt you need new hard ware, just a good ole clean!