I have found this on the Tramontana site:
Code Failure at...
11 Test End
12 Test Start
13 Air temperature sensor
14 Coolant temperature sensor
15 Fuel pump relay feed
21 Throttle switch, idle contact
22 Idle speed control valve/motor feed
23 Idle speed control valve/motor
25 Variable inlet resonance L valve
26 Variable inlet resonance C valve
27 Vehicle speed sensor
31, 32 Wrong fuel/air mixture
33 Air flow or MAP sensor
Throttle potentiometer (Mono-Jetronic)
34 Canister purge electrovalve
35 Throttle switch, full load contact
36 Oxygen sensor heating
41 Crank angle sensor
42 Injector
Code Failure at...
43 Anti-knock control
44 Knock sensor #1
45 Ignition coil #1
46 Turbo pressure valve
47 Turbo pressure regulator
51 Oxygen sensor #1
52 Oxygen sensor system control
53 Battery voltage
54 ECU
55 CO mixture potentiometer
56 Coded alarm system
57 Ignition coil #2
62 Knock sensor #2
63 Oxygen sensor #2
64 Fuel/air mixture control B
65 Cylinder sensor
71-76 Injector #1-#6
91 Injectors feed
Bottom of
this page
But don't know which system the codes refer to. I assume it must be for my 16v as I keep getting code 43!
Feel free to tidy this lot up Vanny if you wish
....There he goes, one of God's own prototypes, a high powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production......too weird too live.....and too rare to die