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Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 22 Aug 2010
by Father Ted
A funnel connected to a hose running through a knott-hole in the shed would be perfectly acceptable.

Shitting by means of making "shit parcels" and then launching them over the fence would be my way of getting round that, though I have been known to shit in a tupperware box and then seal it up before now.

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 22 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
I actually first employed my patent pooping method at Glastonbury in 1992.

So, tonight my sweet little doggy cornered a fox in the house and killed it!

It's his first one too. I felt sorry for it - but it's a dog's life. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I've slid it into a bin liner and put it on the front lawn for the bin men :twisted: I left it's head sticking out as it was still breathing a bit. [pray]

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 22 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
Father Ted wrote:A funnel connected to a hose running through a knott-hole in the shed would be perfectly acceptable.

Shitting by means of making "shit parcels" and then launching them over the fence would be my way of getting round that, though I have been known to shit in a tupperware box and then seal it up before now.

I can't use the knot hole as it's brick walls :(

I prefer a Tesco bag if I get caught sort for a crap as it conforms with the reuse part of reduce reuse recycle. Getting rid is more of a problem as I have to remember to put it out for the bin men. The neighbours would probably have it dna tested if they mysteriously found it in their piddling pool.

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 22 Aug 2010
by Philhod
:shock: :shock: [chin] I couldn't possibly care to comment :lol:

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by docchevron132
wowsers, this thread really has taken an unexpected turn...

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by mat_the_cat
Well, it did start off with the word arse, and politicians are always talking shit - so maybe it is rather apt?

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Vanny
That wasn't much of a discussion on BXC, seemed to rapidly become the righteous beating there views into everyone else at the cost of free speech!

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Stinkwheel(Matt)
Free Speech, freedom for tooting, power to the people!!!!!!

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
People seem to get so fucking upset when someone disagrees with 'em!

There's a distinct lack of banter on the BXC and all that forum etiquette about being the first in the queue is bullshit because people still try to go behind your back on sales! So I shall just keep schtum in the future.

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Who was that Scarecrow?

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
I'm not naming anyone... it was a while ago and got a bit confusing with double posts and stuff going on. I just think generally that people chase after the car they're interested in whatever is said on the forum.

I suppose that's the way it is and I'm sulking because I didn't buy it when I had the chance to! So I'll shut the fuck up :oops: [doc]

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Well, there are those out there who'll tread on anyone's toes to get what they want, rather than wait 2nd or 3rd etc in line. Ho hum. If you come to Stratty we'll get you pissed and get it out of you! :P :wink:

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by mat_the_cat
Not everyone over there is like that though, I think it's just when you have a larger number of people, some will be tempted by greed.

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
I think you're very right there Mr Cat - I'd have to include myself on occasions.

Dunno what it is about cars but I can get very obsessed by some old piece of junk that I've decided is the car I want. And I want it now. The only other things I'm like it with are guitars and gold lamay handbags which is funny as I'd rather play piano...

I don't really drink much these days - a bottle of Duval and a quick stumbling vomit whilst having a panic attack is about my limit now :cry:

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by mat_the_cat
I suppose we've all done things we regret later...I know I have.
But I've never shafted anyone for money.

Erm, perhaps I should rephrase that - I've never gazumped anyone, or knowingly bid against anyone on the forum who has said they're bidding on something.

It would be good if you can make it up to Stratford, as I said before I think you'll fit in well with the rest of us (misfits). But who wants to be normal anyway?

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 23 Aug 2010
by Fish_Botherer
I'd certainly recommend it after being there last year (thanks again, Vanny). Nice to put faces to names, for those I'd never met before. I don't think there are too many foxes around if the dog goes too, though I'm sure any dog would sniff out anything of ..erm.. interest,

You should have seen the pair of Jack Russells I was looking after a couple of weeks ago, when I tried to walk past a rabbit hutch (sans occupants) on offer a car boot sale. They found it most worthy of attention. When I dog-sat one of the aforementioned Jack Russells some time back, a very straight-laced lady suggested I should keep it well away from any "fox excrement", given the Jack Russell habit of giving anything with an "interesting" smell a good chewing-over.

There, brought this back on track.... [coat]

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 24 Aug 2010
by docchevron132
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've said I'll have bits or cars on there before, but id someone else was in the queue first, or someone needed it more then I'll always let it slide...
Never been in it for money..

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 24 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
I've respected the queue too, and I will continue to do so - I'm British, I can't help it!


Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 24 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
No - no, after you...........

Re: Arse-licking Eurocrats...

Posted: 24 Aug 2010
by Father Ted
for those children who fucked up their GCSE exams today, it is importanr to remember two things.
You tried your hardest.
I dont have gherkins on my big mac.