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Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:? Err...yes, yes and yes
[chin] [chin] Petrol does degenerate with age
[chin] [chin] you will get quite a noticeable voltage drop if the brushes in the starter motor are arcing.
[chin] [chin] What sort of carb have you on her? Either way, 3/4 choke, if it doesn`t start in 3 go`s
choke in, full throttle, give another spin. Then start again on 1/2 choke.

Gosh I draged that up from a long time ago :)

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
It was the voltage on the coil which was 8v Phil, not the s/motor. But I still got a spark at the plug which I thought was the odd bit.

My Dad taught me that starting trick with the choke in and full throttle - is it supposed to dry the plugs off? Assuming everything had just got soaked with petrol then I expect it'll start reasonably tomorrow. The only other fault could be the low voltage on the coil. IIRC there's a spare new coil in the boot!

They are twin Strombergs.

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by docchevron132
Erm, has it got a ballast coil?
If so 8V should be enough to kick it into life.
You should have a fat spark at the points though...

Old proper petrol lasted much better than the shit they turn out now. It starts going shit in about 4 weeks.

Strombergs huh?
I'd bin them fuckers out and get some SU's on there! SU FTW.

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:lol: 8) I certainly agree about the Strombergs....and theres a point. The rubber diaphragms used to last about 10 mins...they could be err...fucked?

If you are more concerned with smooth running and fuel economy than outright acceleration and top speed...(.that btm end is not that good either). Instead of fitting 2 HS4`s use the single manifold and stick an HS6 on instead. But make sure it has a choke on it, either standard or auto and NOT one with an automatic starting device fitted, as they were ultra unreliable, couldn`t be repaired and cost £ 120 20 years ago :x

Tip they were nearly always fitted to 2 litre versions of the SD1................................ :(

Yes it is to blow mostly air through the system and dry the plugs,

Some of the Triumphs had a coil wotsit thingy in line in the marks and sparks cable, going from the dizzy to coil. If dizzy points spark is weak, it could be the capacitor that is failing :?

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
Ballast coil? I have no idea mate. I suspect the petrol is the problem then mate, I'll some freshly baked stuff tomorrow!

As regards the carbs, I think we had some SUs from a mk 1 T2000 but my Dad never got round to fitting them. It's no where near as reliable as the moggie and whether that's down to an SU on the moggie and 'bergs on the Triumph I don't know, although the compression is a little low on the Triumph

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: I think you`ll find that`s down to the Moggie having an A series under the lid, not just carbs although me an Doc were dead serious there. 8)

I`ve wittered on about how awesome A`s are before so I`ll spare you that again :wink:

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 13 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
Ultra ace car that moggie!

i remember the rubber diaghrams being replaced...........although it's a smidgen longer than 10 minutes ago! :lol: :wink: If they fail petrol pisses out doesn't it? There's no evidence of that.

It's a long way off being restored sadly, I just need to start the thing to move it to do other shit!!!!

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by mnde
G I V E...U S...P I C S thankyou plz


Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by docchevron132
/\ what he said yer faux welsh sheep rapist!

I fucking love A series engines, 1/2" spanner and a flat blade screw driver and you can pretty much take the whole thing apart!
The ambulance engine is not much more than an A series with two extra cylinders and on steroids!

That had a Zenith carb on it, which got fucked off for a 1/2" SU, number 6 needle, WIN!

The only thing that fucked me off with A series lumps was that bastard waterpump by pass hose to the head. What a wanky thing.

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
Oh I'm about no piccies :( I was thinking I should get the camera but I was also trying to get the bastard thing started. As it was I didn't get round to anything at all today and it's gonna be raining for the next few days too so you'll have to wait!

But here's a taster of one virtually identical but less rusty!

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by Philhod
No petrol doesn`t piss in, if the diaphragm is perished it won`t lift the needle ergo no juice... no startee

Err.... I know what a triumph 2000 looks like thanks. It`s yours we want to see :wink:

If you can get a later SU, than your car, they have a "swinging needle" which gives quicker pick up and better fuel economy . 8) 8) 8) 8)

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
Philhod wrote:No petrol doesn`t piss in, if the diaphragm is perished it won`t lift the needle ergo no juice... no startee

Err.... I know what a triumph 2000 looks like thanks. It`s yours we want to see :wink:
Fussy bastard! Just add rust colouration and you're done! :P Sadly, there has been alot of condensation under the cover, so it's still suffering - just for longer! re: diaghrams, Ah right, so if the plugs are gettin wet, could they still be buggered? Might be worth getting a pair for now. I need to be able to move it.

Doc, I know the pipey you mean...tain't too bad tho' from memory

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by Philhod
Actually if the rubbers were new when it went into hibernation, with no fuel going through they are in quite a protected position. Just take off the bottle top an av a look. If there are no splits or cuts or they haven`t gone "funny", they should be ok..............for a bit. :P

You can get a convoluted version of the by pass hose, so it just squeezes up and slips on............

Albeit with a bit of that wonderful vaseline. Modern plastigrips, instead of jubilees, make it even easier, as you can feed them in place with the hose on :)
8) I first saw one of these on a Suzuki 750. I got one and fitted it to an 850 A series with suitable success 8) 8)

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 14 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:D Just remembered. I had a Victor FD with twin Strombergs on it. The bleeding thing went very well indeed, but went out of balance too regularly, they were twin inch and a quarters.

I stuck a polished single carb manifold on it, ( it was a 4 branch) This has a inch and 3 quarter venturi
With a bit of fiddling I got an SU HS 6 mounted, this involved making an aluminium bridge piece, strangely the HS6 has a venturi of 47mm. The manifold also had a 3 bolt fitting and the carb only 2.

Oh I believe it had a "blue" needle. the swept volume was 120 cubic inch, which I think works out at 1979cc. I can`t remember the Triumphs, isn`t it about 1991? if it is a similar set up would improve yours no end.
The Victor retained it`s top end of 110, but 0-60 increased from 8.9 to 10.1. The best result was the drop in fuel consumption. Prior to change, 31 at best and down to 20 pushing it...after, 36 at best
but never dropped below 28 when shoved pretty hard. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 15 Jan 2009
by Philhod
Some models of your Triumph had a similar extensions to the g/box too. Instead of a tailshaft
they had a Laycock J type overdrive.

This was essentially an electrically operated auto box, operating on 3rd and 4th of a 4 speed box.
In the Victors case it was operated by a switch in the top of the gear knob.
Overdrive 3rd was just short of full 4th and o/drive 4th was like a 5th gear. They were really useful
still giving full engine breaking when switching in and out, if you were on a fast winding road you could leave it in 3rd, on straights switch in o/d, coming up to a bend switch it out on over run, accelerate out of the bend and switch it back in obviously without having to use the clutch. 8) 8)
8) 8) 8) 8) Supercool 8)

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 16 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit
Alas mine is an auto...I say alas cos it actually makes it a very lazy car to drive but I would of loved a 2.5 manual with the overdrive. I read somewhere the 2.5s are 135 bhp!!! Awesomage. I guess there is a plate over any hole where the clutch/clutch cable would pass so conversion would be straight forward. Anyway the restoration is a long way off and in fact my Dad muttered something about doing it so it could be out of my hands....

I got the bitch started today :D :D :D two gallons of 99 ron and she fired up after a wee bit of turning! So, at long last you impatient bastards, here is a link to some photos linky
The last photo is taken from the drivers side rear seat, just where I sat nearly 30 years ago and pulled the white fluffy bits of the seat covers and planted them on my Grand Dads bald head!!! Oh how I laughed :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have also taken a rather low key bandit vid but I can't get it loaded onto youlube yet but I'll keep trying!

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 16 Jan 2009
by Bx Bandit

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 16 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:) Doesn`t look too bad mate, I`ve seen a lot worse driving about.....but....oh no ....not sheepskin seat covers!!!!!!! how very 1960`s
The picture is not clear enuff (for me) but those strombergs look very like SU`s

I`d forgotten how untidy engine bays were back then :P

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 16 Jan 2009
by mickey taker
have you put in new points a new dizzy cap and rotor arm ? could be worth a try

also is this one of the dizzys where you need to put some three in one oil under where the rotor arm sits?

Im not sure about the last bit so hopefully someone older and wiser could comment ( Phil )

Re: Me Triumph 2thou

Posted: 16 Jan 2009
by Philhod
:oops: Now I`ve seen the vid they ....errr look like spite of the duff camera man :P

Ha Ha. the ones that need oil usually have a piece of felt sitting on top of the cam centre screw.
It only needed a few drops now and again to keep it moist.

Keep saying I`ll get an old motor again, as retirement looms.

Mind you I was summoned up to the 7th floor again yesterday. He`s putting a small team together for a 3 week visit to Nanjing, Peoples Republic of China.
I said I would think it over

Then said YES........ I`ve thought it over now :P