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Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Way2go
mat_the_cat wrote:I actually care as well, it's not as enjoyable as it used to be - most of the banter has now gone and if I hear someone ask about a leak from 'those little pipes at the bottom of the front suspension' one more time I'll be tempted to tattoo the word 'SEARCH' on their forehead...
Would hate to see it close down though, but it's a completely different animal to this place.
I could't have put it better Mat; I wouldn't like to see it close either as it did have a name for finding help on the BX which wasn't available openly anywhere else.

Vanny's concerns are valid too as technical advice needs to be relevant and true to the situation not just mis-aligned "techy words" regurgitated on there by anyone with the sole aim of increasing their post count!

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Vanny
There was an option before the BXClub you know, Brij's website, I forget what it was called, that was the first 'forum' i ever routinely took part in. It was that forum that saved my dad a fortune when the hazards light died and took out the indicators on a very long drive back from the NEC many moons ago.

And in between there was the AndySpares forum. Now that was ace, until it got too big and clogged up with what i can only describe as spam. That's why the BXClub split off from the AS forum, and for a long time it was ideal, friendly, social, a lot of people who actually knew each other and got on well. But again it got a little too big, the regulars got pushed out, and the new breed took over.

I think if you look at the user list by order of joining, a lot of the original cast are no longer involved, i'm not sure if that is a cause or a symptom though!

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by jonathan_dyane
It's interesting (and depressing) to oversee the decline of an internet forum. I would compare it to any great civilisation in that collapse is always inevitable, it's just a case of when. Obviously the timescales are somewhat different however...

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Madcav
Half the battle is that most of the decent ones are on here so there's no huge urge to post on BXC anymore. I wish it wasn't a ratings battle on there now between one or two because BXC deserves better but it's nothing like it used to be unfortunately.

Also this place is actually what BXC used to be in that it's friendly, funny and helpful and we do have the majority of the best BX'ers in Britain amongst our ranks.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
/\ yeah, all that really.

I've been involved with BXC for, er, 4 odd years now, and met all of you wankers because of it!
Well, apart from Phil and Mick, but ya know what I mean.

I will be stopping the SO for BXC though, as I don't really see the point in spending £2 a month to give idiots a platform to shout bullshit and self manufactured ego fucks from TBH.

I'm not sure I'd completly agree that this place is what BXC was, since this place has from the outset been not so much about cars, and much more about a group of like(ish)minded blokes that all get on and know eachother taking the piss, having a laugh, and doing some spannering when needed.

This place is what BXC should have been, but never quite was since having a laugh and piss taking was always frowned on by the other faction of users who would rather suck eachother off over what a fantastoic mop job they give their car, or how well they hoard bits despite not having a fucking clue what they do, where they go or how to fit them etc..

Ah well, if it dies it dies. It's only one little club, and FFS BXP even in it's infancy has had more social meets, more piss ups, carnage and laughs than in the entire history of BXC.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Philhod
who would rather suck eachother off over what a fantastoic mop job they give their car, or how well they hoard bits despite not having a fucking clue what they do, where they go or how to fit them etc.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [bow]

Absolute gold my dear Doccers

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Vanny
[wave] [wave] [wave]

i thought that deserves a wave frankly!

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Chilip Phidlow
You know what, I'm on here quite regularly, but don't post too often. A lot of what has been said on this thread re: BXC is right. Now I think the only reason I frequent the BXC (quite often!) is because of the BXagon Challenge. If it wasn't for that, I think my 'enthusiasm' would've evaporated.

Sure, the BXC forum in the past agitated and irritated me, but you're right, the baby has been thrown out with the bath water. TBH I get a little irked at accusations of excessive mutual back-slapping (I try to be gentlemanly and give many the benefit of the doubt, and encourage and support where I see fit). I am getting to like the 'feel' of this forum, but it isn't one I will necessarily participate in too much - so it's unlikely my post score will climb too high!

I have a lot of time for the knowledge and experience represented here, but even as the BXC wanes, I'm not sure this forum will regain what has been lost there. It'll be something new.

In all honesty, I am a bit bored 'over there'. 8)

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Vanny
Post count means very little over here to be honest, because I mess with total post numbers semi regular, no one seems to notice, but i add a hundred posts here and take a hundred posts there, so it really means very very little.

I hope the BXP never becomes like the BXC, even in its hayday it was too much hassle to be honest. Over here is chilled and generally like being in the pub.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Philhod
Oh we notice alright! It's just that we, err..... what's the words....don't give a shit :wink:

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Madcav
Thing about BXP is that you could argue with any of the wankers that use this forum, provoke them, rib them and hound them on here but the tossers will always be your internet (and real life) mates.

Different on BXC where if you try and say one word out of line to some, for example, who are fine at taking the piss but not so goood at getting it back and you get feet stamping, ridiculous accusations of bullying, crying to teacher and storming off 'never to return' and then coming back again etc. It's almost like the nanny state on just one forum at times, or at least it has been, and that's a major reason why it's gone shit.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
Madcav wrote:storming off 'never to return' and then coming back again etc.
Hmm, well I did that - but only to get a bit of peace and quiet. TBH I have no idea who is moderating that forum now - it aint me, I dont know who is activating noobies either.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Madcav
Father Ted wrote:
Madcav wrote:storming off 'never to return' and then coming back again etc.
Hmm, well I did that - but only to get a bit of peace and quiet. TBH I have no idea who is moderating that forum now - it aint me, I dont know who is activating noobies either.

I wasn't referring to you mate. I've no idea who is or isn't moderating to be honest, is Jim still about? I sort of fell out with him at one point but I will doff my proverbial hat to him as he mailed me not long after and was absolutely superb to converse with and I have the utmost respect for him.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Chilip Phidlow wrote: TBH I get a little irked at accusations of excessive mutual back-slapping (I try to be gentlemanly and give many the benefit of the doubt, and encourage and support where I see fit).

Why should you feel irked? Surely that would be down to YOUR perception of how people see you rather than actually what is being refered to?

I mean, it's well known that a fair dew of us don't exactley like Tim.

Some of this is his own fault, and some of it is not.

Let me expand:
A few years back now, my dad (the most gentlemanly of gentlemen ever) said that his BX N/A auto was flat out at 86MPH and he felt it was dangerous for overtaking.

Ken then jumps down his throat and says, and I quote verbatim, "fuck me, how fast do you want to go".

However, Tim declares he fitted (or got someone who knows how to use a spanner to fit) a devil pipe on his valver and he took it on the motorway and stopped accelerating at 115mph, and again I quote "it just wanted to go and go!"

And no-one says a word. Not one fucking word. Other than the usual round of "gosh isn;t it shiny" and "glad your enjoying it" and shit..

Another fine example..
Tim's Xantia... He openly admitted, on a PUBLIC forum which boasts an ex copper amongst it's members that the only way his Xantia passed an MOT was because ANOTHER CAR was emssions tested.
Not only is he implicating himself by stating publicly that he knew his MoT was fraudulant, he could have dropped the tester right in the shit. Fraud is a criminal offence.

And again, no-one says a thing.

The number plates on his GT are illegal, it gets mentioned and we're the bad guys for having a go at precious Tim..

All smacks of people going out of their way to protect him. He has a pop at Vanny on FB, I call him on it, but he doesn't have the bollocks to reply, just delete me instead. Which I'm not fussed about in the slightest as I dont actually like him but ya know.. it aint so easy to get rid of people on BXC is it?!
He must be bitterly disappointed at the lack of adminor mods on BXC now, since he used to go running to them every five minuted everytime soemone upset him on there, and he can't say he didn't, since I know for a fact he did.

Of course this will no doubt have him in tears, not that he'll know it's here, because he doesn't read BXP, do you Tim!?

Equally, he'll throw jibes about "the forum police" at people, we know who we are! Now, I could call that bullying, and go ring Jim or Jon and complain that the big bad nasty Leech is making fun of me, and my feelings are hurt, and they must do something at once, but of course I wouldn't since A: I can fight my own battles courtesay of a pair of bollocks and a spine, and B: anything he says doesn't make me feel insecure in the beliefs of what I say.

I'd fucking hate to think of this place becoming anything like BXC, this place thrives for a reason, which is beautifully described above.

Long may that continue.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by Chilip Phidlow
I agree. I'm sure any vestiges of irkage will disappear. I'm looking forward to being on here more. And after the BXagon, I'll probably only very occasionally visit the BXC - and in all honesty might spend more time on the CCC forum (beats sleeping pills lol).

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by Philhod
:D Don't knock the CCC Phil, (although I concur with your comment), as It directed me on to here.
You will find there are some very knowledgeable engineers on here and to be fair, there is a lot of expertise on CCC.
That, and the willingness to help, without looking for "what's in it for me", is part of what makes this place tick. The rest of it is far too complex to explain :P

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by Chilip Phidlow
Oh I wouldn't knock the CCC Forum. I enjoy the variety. Endless BX stuff is a little narrow, so to read about SMs and the like broadens things a bit. Good stuff, even if my pockets aren't deep enough!

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Clutch change on an SM.......... fun.....

I always found the CCC forum a bit like tumbleweed really.

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by Philhod
Yeah I agree Doc and I rarely go on there now, just occasionally to see what's happening or if anyone needs help with something I know about.

There seems to be an awful lot of people on there, that pay out an awful lot of money on exotic machinery, that they know very little about.

If they really want to learn, fine, but it seems a rather expensive route to me.

But then money is relative I suppose

Re: BXClub, what's happening there then?

Posted: 09 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Thats the really funny thing I find.
There is, as you say, all these dudes that buy, well, not advanced machinary maybe, but bloody complicated if you dont know what you're doing machinary, which is why there's a few "specialists" knocking about, some of whom get featured regularly in the Citroenian.
Of these specialists that I am aware of, some of their workmanship is utterly shocking.

Still, pays your money, takes your choice I guess!

I'll stick with a pair of wanked out BX's that are both slowly driving me nuts...
But at least I can fix them myself, even if I have neither the health or the inclination to do so!