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Re: Recently Joined? Look here!

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
/\ do you? How cool is that? How the fuck does that work?

BTW: Noting remains on topic so go off topic at fucking will!

Re: Recently Joined? Look here!

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
Who cares how it works - it's cool as fuck! Just do it.

I think it's the microwave heating the gas inside the tube up, like when you connect it up electrically." onclick=";return false;

Re: Recently Joined? Look here!

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by Vanny
Its iducing a voltage in the gas and creating plasma, its exactly the same way they normally work, but less stable. Plasma is fucking awesome!

WRT your first question Mat, i'm working on a proper set, they are now in the general pleb area, by and large anything goes, with more and more tollerance as you get up the ranks so to speak

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
less stable!? I like the sounds of that!

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
Had a look cheers, they make a lot of sense. I like the idea that if you complain to you about someone chances are you get banned yourself! :lol: :lol: :lol:

So with a flourescent tube, you get a voltage from end to end then? I know it's sommat to do with the gas hitting the inside of the tube and making it give off light. :idea:

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by Way2go
mat_the_cat wrote:
So with a flourescent tube, you get a voltage from end to end then? I know it's sommat to do with the gas hitting the inside of the tube and making it give off light. :idea:
The inside of the glass is coated with phosphor which glows when struck by electrons. Normally the electrons are provided by the current flowing through gas in the tube. In the case of the microwave the rf field generated is exciting the gas which liberated electrons to strike the phosphor.
We used to take a normal 5ft tube in our hands and when close to an RF transmitter in the lab it would light up like a Star Wars Light Sabre without any wire connections.

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
Cheers for that, on the subject of microwaves here's a joke. Bit old now but still funny.

What's the difference between George Michael and a microwave?
Two answers to this...
1. A microwave doesn't brown your meat
2. A microwave stops when you open the door

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 03 Apr 2009
by Way2go
He's made a cum back since then , hasn't he? :wink:

Re: Recently Joined? Look here!

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Father Ted wrote:If I put the 16v Micra into a Micrawave (geddit) then will it turn it into a Mi16 powered BX? (red please)
Would you like a red valver then Marty?

I know where there is one!

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by Father Ted
Doubt I could afford it Doc, the bike was a write off and once flogged the carcass I used the money to buy and insure the shed. Currently saving up again as I doubt it will pass its next MOT easilly its just too shagged. Money I had hoped to spend on another motor is currenlty being spent by the wife on some decking - i mean great, looks nice but you cant go down the shops on it, or race the lovely michelle from work on it?
Michelle... Not as fast as a valver....

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by tomsheppard
(Actually , she is.)

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
/\ Who be that cheeky little lady?

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by Vanny
and can we have some better pictures?

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 04 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Fuck the pictures!
Can I have her phone number please!!!!

Does she like scruffy balding oily ginger bearded cripples that smoke alot?

Cos if so, see ya bitches! I'm off for alot of sex!

(I'll be back in about 3.2 seconds).

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Father Ted
Sadly not Doc, she likes real men who wear leather, ride motorbikes and drive Alfa Romeo's. She currently has a 147 - brave girl. She works in some of my clinics.
Could do with the load lugging capacity of a BX at the moment too :(

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by mickey taker
err Ted is Michelle allergic to chocolate or something , she seems to have had a reaction

Re: Recently Joined? OLD THREAD

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
Oh not again! Fuck, this happens every time :x :lol:

no offence or reference to Mrs Bandit