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Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
docchevron1472 wrote:ok, so how easy is RISCOS to use then?

Please remember, I know naff all about computer code past 8086 era..
Rockwell AIM 65 and machine code with me - after that Im lost! I use a little netbook literally just for 'tinterweb and its running a compact version of XP, but is slow... Im debating wiping it and going the Ubuntu way myself...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
Vanny wrote:Terry off of BXC has said a great manythings! Ya damn idiot
Terry off BXC still owes me for some headlamp covers. Sent about 12, nay, 24 months ago I think now. There I have said it... Im not a vindictive man or one to harbour a grudge but bloody hell when I sais "dont rush" I was kind of expecting to see the money before we went over to the Euro and people were zipping around in hover-cars....

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Way2go
Vanny wrote:
Way2go wrote:You can have the world's most wonderful computer but if you don't have an adequate firewall + Antivirus + Anti-spyware installed, the computer is at risk and your private data may not remain private!

Where in that statement does it say 'We are talking about Docs computer which has to be raped by the internet'?

Don't make blase (sp) open statements if a) there wrong b) you don't want the inaccuracies to be pointed out!

Vanny, you have to learn to to read in context of the thread! "You" relates to Doc as it's his computer we are talking about (& his thread)! You're playing the selective posting game here.

This is not BXC where it's required to be totally anal & pedantic and dot all th i's and cross all the t's. Or is the future BXP accent on written precision with all back doors guarded and not the BXP lighthearted approach that we all have enjoyed so far?

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Father Ted wrote:
Vanny wrote:Terry off of BXC has said a great manythings! Ya damn idiot
Terry off BXC still owes me for some headlamp covers. Sent about 12, nay, 24 months ago I think now. There I have said it... Im not a vindictive man or one to harbour a grudge but bloody hell when I sais "dont rush" I was kind of expecting to see the money before we went over to the Euro and people were zipping around in hover-cars....
Ahhh, now do bear in ind that Terry was never let back in after Ellevie shit the bed and banned everyone, so unless he has your E-mail addy or contact details then he wont have any way of contacting you...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Way2go wrote: with all back doors guarded
W2G meet Smiffy, Smiffy, meet W2G!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Way2go
docchevron1472 wrote: Ahhh, now do bear in ind that Terry was never let back in after Ellevie shit the bed and banned everyone, so unless he has your E-mail addy or contact details then he wont have any way of contacting you...
I think he was also banned off here at the same time wasn't he? He registered under the name of "Technika" or something similar.

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Oh ah, dont think he was banned from here, just never posted...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
He [Terry] had my address. Still it doesnt matter, it just put me in mind of that thread about people being taken advantage of over on BXC. Im not going to start moaning as its pointless, just needed to get it off my chest. Still teh comment about Elvieve shitting the bed has made me laugh!
Daughter takes big heavy box addressed to Terry to the post office for me:-

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Does it contain a bomb?

Actually, do you still have his addy??

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Way2go
Father Ted wrote:
Terry off BXC still owes me for some headlamp covers. Sent about 12, nay, 24 months ago ....
Co-incidentally his mate from up the road has just posted today on BXC to sell a ZX, perhaps you can get him to remind him about it as he will be likely watching to see if he gets any bites............

Roger, Joined: 12 Aug 2008, Posts: 4, Location: SUFFOLK UK (NEAR TERRY)

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Vanny
No one has ever been banned here.

To be honest, the likely solution is to ban any computer talk. Computer geeks (especially those brought up only in DOS or only in Apple) always make the same stupid comments anyways, like the whole <and this is aimed at Terry> you must do it my way or your all doomed!

PS Marty, that was a 'yer all dooooooomed' dads army link, your not mad for thinking it!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 06 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
docchevron1472 wrote:Does it contain a bomb?

Actually, do you still have his addy??
No containd headlamp covers for a Mk2, and some other bits I think...

Depends on how large you can make that picture as to whether I still have his address...

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
Ahhh right...


I'll see if I can get hold of him then..

Feel free to ban computer speak Vanny, for I know fuck all about computers!
Apart from the gearbox ECU for a ZF 5HP500 Ecomat, but I can't see that coming up in conversation much here TBH..

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Father Ted
Ahh, dont worry abut it. Im no longer arsed.

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Philhod
:x Well let me be aresd for you !!!!

I don't get aresd over much these days, but, people who do that really get me going.

If I say to someone, yeah you can have those, no probs. then they are free, gratis, for nothing.

If I say: Yes you can have those but I want £20 for it/them, it really is that simple.

I've found that genuine people will accept the first and say thanks of accept the second and pay up with thanks by return almost.

The others, acknowledge neither and don't pay for the second, because they had no intention of paying in the first place.

I would still get annoyed if it was a quid, coz it's not the money, it's the fuck you attitude. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. [doc] [doc] 's

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Vanny
thems are usually the same people getting lots for very little in life, and i suspect the difference is that every person here works hard for there money. That's a fact i know very well. There are some serious slackers in the country that take the piss with the 'give me' attitude.

Conversely i've sent parts all over the world in the last few years, and i would much rather deal with foreigners than uk residents. Insanely grateful, in constant communication and don't piss you about. I've got diagnostics hardware going to Croatia next week, no faff or problem, the buyer is having a courier come and collect, and the courier will do the wrapping!

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 07 Aug 2009
by Philhod
:lol: He obviously doesn't trust you Vanny :lol:

No, seriously, I totally agree with you. As you are aware I have dealt with a lot of "foreigners"
and have always had a similar experience.
They are often a bit abrupt in their verbal communications but that's due mainly to other languages having a more shallow vocabulary. Otherwise usually dead straight and appreciable of anything you do for them.

Re: Yet more fucking computer issues....

Posted: 08 Aug 2009
by docchevron132
agree totally.

This is why I tend to tell everyone who wants bits to fuck off these days, present company excepted of course, apart from some guys in Oz I get bits for, still wont take their money, but always happy to accept Toohey's Old in payment!