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Stupid Virgins

Posted: 10 Sep 2009
by Vanny
The stupid people at Virgin have broken the interwebz connection to americas, so now i can't see anything in the americas. No facebook, not a big problem, no Steam, there goes the evenings entertainment. But BXP going strong, WHOOP!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 10 Sep 2009
by Philhod
:? steam!!!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Way2go
Just the stream, heated and vapourised :wink:

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by docchevron132
I'm guessing they've fixed it then? Book Face works fine here!

Is BXP hosted int he states then?
I asumed it was all British?

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Bx Bandit
/\ It's located in scouse land non? So one would assume that once BXP stops working, the interserverhostproviderweb will be on the back of a lorry to end up in Pikeysville!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Vanny
I entrust the project to the Germans, they have standards, lots and lots of them, and redundancy and all kinds of funky made up words.

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by docchevron132
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, despite the wars, they can clearly host a website well..

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Philhod
:) They do most things well actually, but they are'nt annoying with it.

Now the French do some things well and a lot more err mediocre
But they are fucking annoying anyway.

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Vanny
You'd be surprised about german engineering. I now know why this country produces the best automotive engineers, the germans really struggle to think outside of the box. They have there standards and rules and methods, but outside of that there a bit knackered.

The French are mediocre but thats better than the spanish!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Bx Bandit
My sentiments exactly, only I would add/emphasise that the germans seem very good (but not as good as the japanese) at perfecting something that has already being developed.
vanny wrote:They have there standards and rules and methods, but outside of that there a bit knackered.
Very true mate, yet within them they are quite good! Which is actually bloody annoying....

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 11 Sep 2009
by Philhod
Never worked in Spain ( never been there actually) so can't comment.
The F****h are annoying coz they are always saying how good they are at everything. But they get the hump if you mention fighting wars.

The Deutschers on the other hand, just get on with things without being annoying and want to speak english as well, which has to be a +.
I agree with you on their Q.A systems but der Herren Daimler, Diesel and Otto may tend to dissagree :wink:

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 12 Sep 2009
by Bx Bandit
Well the spanish are frustratingly laid back, I've been at injection moulding trials at 3.00 AM! and they even have cans of beer in the 'coke can' machine!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 12 Sep 2009
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: I think that is prevalent throughout europe. In Germany when the hauptman came round asking you to work overtime, if you said yes, he left a bottle of beer on your bench.
Never happened here once in 30 years :(

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 12 Sep 2009
by Way2go
Philhod wrote: Never happened here once in 30 years :(
Used to happen before that in the steelworks apparently when the processes were manual rather than automated and the workers sweated with the intense heat. They used to come round with buckets of beer (while working) to help replace bodily fluids! :) Just think what today's H&S officials would have made of that! :shock:

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 12 Sep 2009
by Bx Bandit
Philhod wrote::lol: :lol: I think that is prevalent throughout europe. In Germany when the hauptman came round asking you to work overtime, if you said yes, he left a bottle of beer on your bench.
Never happened here once in 30 years :(
Prob is prevalent mate, although I never saw it Holland when i worked there :( I can't work out if we're stuck up Brits, too 'advanced' with the H&S crap, or if the rest of Europe is one laid back bunch of arse!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 12 Sep 2009
by Philhod
the rest of Europe is one laid back bunch of arse!
Succinctly put my dear Bandit 8)

I think you are going back into the 19th centuary with the beer supply W2g
I worked in a steel forge ( a lot hotter than a foundry) in the 60's. All we got when the temperature got to 90 (old money) was, Lemon crystals, barley and cold water. Oh and salt tablets in the morning :? beer!!!! [no]

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 13 Sep 2009
by Way2go
Very likely Phil, my uncle knew this from his elders who were in steel in the North-East. The story is also supposed to explain why Blue Star and other northern breweries beer was stronger than traditional in the S0uth because it had higher nutrient value.
At least it's better in these times that we can get better real ale all over the country now.

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 13 Sep 2009
by Vanny
Hangs about, the sort of time scale your talking about the water quality was absolutley shit, the water was brewed to make it safe above all else, Doctor Duncan's amazing solution to the deterioration of health in major cities. Thats where the concept of a 'Public House' came from in the first place, people selling beer from there houses having brewed with local water and made it same. Even kids would drink beer because it was safer.

Its why all the major breweries in each mojor city (and every major north city has had a brewery) are all of the same or similar age!

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 13 Sep 2009
by Philhod
Very true mate. They actually brewed it weak (2% or less) so it could be drunk all day and by kids

Re: Stupid Virgins

Posted: 13 Sep 2009
by charlie
i seem to remember reading somewhere that the brewers of the middle ages

made different types/strengths of beer

there was the everyday safe type ie weak beer but safe to drink as compared to contaminated water

but there was also stronger stuff to wasted on

again i seem to remember that a test for the strength of a beer was to sit in it and if your arse stuck to the seat then it was quality
