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Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by Philhod
Still can't believe it.... A gang of three masked robbers marched into the offie across the road, brandishing macheti's and threatining the staff. Managed to fuck off with about a grand, scarpered up our back alley droppping one mask and one macheti.

I've had plod round to ask if I heard/saw anything and if I find anything chucked over the garden wall in the morning, to bag it and give them a call.

We were sat having our tea and never heard a thing until a trillion sirens appeared.
6-30 pm apparently....seems an odd time to me!!!!!

Who was that moaning about sharia law coming in.... is it their left or right hand that goes first
Any twat comes near me with a macheti will end up wearing it.
Unless he stabs me first that is!!!!

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
Yet another sad reflection of the shit that now prevails everywhere..

Still, lets all hug a hoodie eh, that'll make it all ok...

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by Philhod
:D Hugged a couple of hoodies in the past ..............

................ Last one had 3 broken ribs I believe 8) 8)

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by charlie
seems a lot of bovver for just a grand ?????

what sort of office is it ??????????????????????????

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
OFFIE Charlie, not office!
Unless it's an office that sells booze?

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 04 Nov 2009
by Philhod
That's the one Doc. It's just a small Offie/newsagents.

It's been getting a bit naughty round here lately, someone is due a smack.

It used to be a standing joke round here; There were never any burgularies in Beech Hill because that was where all the burgrlars came from :roll:

It's only just over a week since a gang of 4 masked raiders broke into next doors garage and pinched his off road bike, worth about £ 1400.

They got the bike (wrecking the autodoor) but were disturbed by a neighbour. They legged it across the road into an alley but there were gates on and they dropped it and scarpered.

As the neighbour was walking back a white van came screaming out of our street, just missing him.
They had obviously come prepared and were going to get it into the van and drive off, but fortunately, they got away with nothing.

On the good side it's more evidence to get our security gates fitted by the council.

I think I'm going to have a word with some of the people who ....well you don't want to know really.
If we can find out who is behind this spate of attacks ( there have been others nearby)
Sean, myself and Dermot will have to pay them a visit........................................ 8)

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 05 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
It's sad that vigilante (sp) measures need to be taken, but yet again it seems to be the only way to deal with things.

At least you guys all look out for eachother and ARE prepared to actually do something about it.

I fucking wish it was like that down here.

Fucking fair play to you dude.

So say I, and I suspect the overwhelming majority of the silent types who are too fucking lathargic, stupid, or afraid to say anything...

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 05 Nov 2009
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: :lol: I don't need to be afraid. Sean and Dermot are what's euphemistically termed door personel
these days. When I did it we were called bouncers 8)
Dermot is what you would call, fit for purpose. At 6 ft 3 and around 17 stone. An Irishman with a brain....
Seriously, where I have lived most of my life, Beech Hill, always has been a err....rough area of Wigan, with it's fair share of baddies. I know all of them and most of them know me. I'm pretty sure they will know who is behind all this shit.
In fact they may have even taken ...err....steps already.

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 06 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
Well yeah, but there's rough, and theres ROUGH.
I mean, everyone says Southmead is fucking rough, and it is in places, but if you're ont he right side of the three big families you get left alone.
Happily I am at the mo, when we had a spate of break-ins and car thefts down this end of the Mead, only two cars in this street didn't get touched. Bob's, and mine.
Anytime I've ever had guests and they've parked here Bob always asks if they are "with me", and if so, no problem, nothing gets touched, like, you can actually leave the car unlocked, with the keys in it, and it wont get touched.

I kinda like the whole vigilante thing, it works so much better than the plod.
Ok, I mean, the three big families are effectively drug dealers, gun runners and general vermin, but in short, they keep the peace in the neighbourhood because it suits them, piss them off you get killed.
Like actually literally!
So much more effective than the local beat bobby who turns up once in a blue moon..

Wish the same sort of thing happened in Stockwood...

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 06 Nov 2009
by Madcav
The offie (now long since closed) where I live used to get done over with regular occurrence. In fact I think it got hit three times in four weeks once.
One time we were woken up by the gang smashing the door in with a golf club and watched the proceedings from the window. It was like something out of a film: they'd parked a car (Vauxhall of course :D ) on the grass, had the boot open with the engine running, all were wearing balaclavas and had two way radios and they emptied the fucking place of smokes.
A neighbour shouted out of the widnow to them and one of the cheeky fuckers threw a packet of peanuts at her and told her to piss off!
Anyhow they were in and out in about two minutes flat, wheel spinned off and as they left the carpark OB were coming up the road and ended up right behind them.
Now, bearing in mind this was like 3.00am and the OB were in a T5% estate, you'd think that they caught them.

Oh no, apparantly the gang were driving on the worng side of thw road so the OB decided it was unsafe to follow and left them to it. What a fucking joke.

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 06 Nov 2009
by Philhod
Yeah! In the states the T5 would have literally bounced them off the road.

Apparently plod has been given instructions, (this from Gregzee's mate whose dad is a traffic seargent)
not to drop a chase unless there is a helicopter in the air, then they can drop back [chin] [chin]

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 06 Nov 2009
by Bx Bandit
Time to get the Batman and Robin costumes out Phil! :lol:

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 06 Nov 2009
by Philhod
:) Time to become invisible mate, if anything goes off. We don't want any repercussions from plod, do we 8)

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 07 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
Good point actually, this is all in the general area ya know...

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 07 Nov 2009
by Philhod
Yeah! If measures have to be taken, arrangements also have to be made. Like the witnesses that saw us on the Dublin ferry or a services in Cumbria etc. :wink:

General or not !! You can't beat solid witnesses Doc :lol:

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 07 Nov 2009
by charlie
docchevron1472 wrote:OFFIE Charlie, not office!
Unless it's an office that sells booze?
yeah yeah yeah i knew that all along

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

eerrrrrrrrrrr [coat]

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 07 Nov 2009
by Bx Bandit
/\ I thought you would of, more than most! :lol:

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 08 Nov 2009
by docchevron132
Philhod wrote: General or not !! You can't beat solid witnesses Doc :lol:
True, and obviousley you'll be miles away in Stroud at the time with several witnesses of good standing.

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 08 Nov 2009
by Bx Bandit
witnesses of good standing..........who's that then?

Re: Oxygen thieves

Posted: 08 Nov 2009
by Philhod
We'll see how many are good at standing, for my eggs, bacon and toast, on the Sunday morning. :wink: