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Is nothing sacred...???

Posted: 05 Jul 2010
by jayw
I don't know if any of you other old fuckers like me remember the old Council Estate term "Yellow Road"...

These were the areas around the estates where the road, parking bays & garage areas were Concrete (yellow) and not Tarmac (black). Yellow road was council property and not Public Highway and as such (back in my youth) you could leave your old banger up on axle stands outside your garage for months with no tax on it and no-one gave a toss...

Now, i know that since Mr & Mrs ASBO came along that's all a thing of the past, apparently you have to keep the run-down squalid crap holes tidy and free of old bangers incase 9yr olds want to turn them into BBQ's.

But, thumbing through this months PPC there's a little feature about some poor sod who's had his motor CLAMPED by DVLA whilst parked on the PRIVATE ROAD he owns for having no Tax! According to the DVLA the law was changed on 1st October 2008 giving them the right to Clamp & Tow ANYWHERE including the field you own down the road, the private road that leads to your house (but not your driveway) and outside the industrial unit you rent.

In fact, The only place they can't tow from is "within the curtilage or vicinity of a dwelling or from your garage or driveway".

This will also mean that if you store a motor in any of these places whilst SORNed you'd best have deep pockets if the DVLA drive past (or anyone else they decide to sub out to these days...)


Re: Is nothing sacred...???

Posted: 05 Jul 2010
by Vanny
Not surprised, its all gone a bit mad in this country of late.

Re: Is nothing sacred...???

Posted: 05 Jul 2010
by Father Ted
Makes me want to don chain mail and run round the DooVlaC wielding a large broadsword and screaming " I want foupence off" whilst chopping at any heads.

FFS, its private land (yes I remember Yellow (brick) Roads) so ergo not public land, so ergo unless I need planning permission I cant see why I cant store a car off road. ... ssary-laws

Best tell Cleggie then

Re: Is nothing sacred...???

Posted: 06 Jul 2010
by Philhod
Well my BX is parked on a concrete slab at the back of Derek's house, next to his garage.
Fortunately they have locked gates on either end of the alley and only residents have a key.

Mind you Derek is of the same mind as me. Any fucker attempting to clamp any of my vehicles, be they from DVLA or any other agency/ sub contractor, would get the same choice. Clamp it and get your legs broke, or fuck off.
Up to now it's only happened twice and each time they decided to fuck right off.
See. They're not all stupid. :lol:
I know I'm laughing but I'm deadly serious, I would do it. I think that they recognised that.

Re: Is nothing sacred...???

Posted: 06 Jul 2010
by Bx Bandit
But, thumbing through this months PPC there's a little feature about some poor sod who's had his motor CLAMPED by DVLA whilst parked on the PRIVATE ROAD he owns for having no Tax!
Disgusting considering the rules only get more restrictive because scum take the piss meaning that law abiding folk like this bloke get fucked on. Fuck, I can't even park on my front lawn :roll: