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Where the hell is everyone???

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
As the title says, wheres everyone gone??

It's like a bloody ghost town in here!

Am I the only one left?

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by Way2go
Been wondering that myself for a while. :? Went away for a week and there was only 4 posts on when I got back. :cry:

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by Stinkwheel(Matt)
im hiding...............

well, no, got broadband/cable trouble at home so only access is at work, and they dont like me plating on the net too much when i should be working.

back to normal service when virgin/ntl no hopers get their finger out.

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by mountainmanUK
I'm still popping in, now & then! :wink:

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by barnsley bxer
I'm here.Been on nights and Mollie's on holiday,so not much time to get on here

Posted: 07 Aug 2007
by Vanny
im in work, or now the other half is bk im otherwise preoccupied ;)

Posted: 08 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
Ah, I'm not alone!!

Vanny, you mean you're discussing colour charts and the such?????

Just wait till your single again, just like the rest of us...or....actually, I think it's just me....hhmm......

Posted: 08 Aug 2007
by Terry
I've been looking in from time to time,but not spending as much time on the interwebby thingy as I'm trying to enjoy wots left of summer on me two wheelers.

Posted: 08 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
Summer???? You've moved to Spain Tel?? :lol:

Chridt, I've been enjoying most of the dummer getting to the farm by boat down the High Street, unless I had a bike with paddles I'd be fucked!

Posted: 08 Aug 2007
by Terry
:lol: Eyup Doc must be summer up here .....we've had a coupla days wivout rain :wink:

Posted: 09 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
Bloody hell mate, the world has gone mad! I thought we always had better weather down s***h!

Actually, we have seen a bit of the sun over the last couple of days, although still interspersed with cloud and rain...

Bring on this global warming shit, might warm things up a little.

The nights are drawing in already, and I've had the fire on in the bus all week!
So much for the doomsayers bleating on about how this would be the hottest, driest year ever... Wankers..

Posted: 09 Aug 2007
by Madcav
Reporting in Sir! I've been doing things that would make Doc cringe but it involved Renaults, Mondeos, Escorts (cars, not birds alas) and cash.

Posted: 11 Aug 2007
by sleepy0905
I am still here just been busy with a very boisterous autistic 6 year old who is bored to hell with the school hols and have had to put a new clutch in the AX

Posted: 11 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
Ah yes, school holidays....

I remember them!

Got the windscreen done yet Aaron??

Posted: 11 Aug 2007
by Vanny
docchevron1472 wrote:Ah yes, school holidays....

I remember them!
its the time of the year you have to be more careful in the pub for fear of going away for a long time!

Posted: 11 Aug 2007
by sleepy0905
no not yet doc i have the replacement screen in the bedroom ready to fit.

Posted: 11 Aug 2007
by docchevron132
i bet your popular with the missus!!

Posted: 12 Aug 2007
by stu
Sorry! Been neglecting this place lately.

I seem to have acquired myself a girlfriend so having rather fewer of those "spend-the-whole-evening-in-front-of-the-internet-with-a-bottle-of-wine" evenings lately.

On the whole, that's probably not a bad thing.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007
by mickey taker
was on me hols but back now

Posted: 17 Aug 2007
by sleepy0905
I have been busy getting the ax sorted with a new clutch just got to win the timing light on ebay now so i can set the timing up properly.