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Bugger me! They sold one!

Posted: 20 Nov 2007
by stu
Apologies for the crappy camera phone pic, but here it is - proof positive that Citroen have sold a C6 in the UK!


They had one on the dealer stand at the National, and I saw one when I was in France the other week, but this is the first I've seen in the wild in the UK. I was beginning to doubt that the RHD version really existed.

It was an odd sight - the only car parked on the whole High Street, right outside a pub :lol:

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by Vanny
i've seen loads round here! and this is liverpool!

I've even seen TWO c-crossers on the road. THey look to be good cars them, but i wonder about there off road capabilities!

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by docchevron132
I've seen a few C6's now, but not yet clapped eyes on a C-Crosser Nissan thing, or whatever the hell it is.
Off road? Nah, crossing a pavement to the driveway maybe..

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
oooh clever me then cos I've seen a C6 (just the one) and one of those Citroen Crossdresser things. Utter shite. Utter utter pile of shite.
The C6 did look better in the flesh I reckon although it was a fleeting glimpse at it were driving tother way... :(

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by Vanny
the crosser aint shite mate, it might not be much of a citroen, but everyone recognises its superior significance, 5th gear even rate it and there quite sceptical of softroaders!

Remember two things, its affectively a free car for citroen, its a mitsubishi underneath, and by most of its looks, thus saving cit the bother of actually designing anything
and softroaders are the biggest growing market in most developed contries, all citroen are doing is taking proven technology from a rival and cashing in!

i really like them, but only if there good off road, i need to get to an open day or speak nicely to the man i know who runs the local landrover experience :D

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
Fair dooo's bud. I dont know much....anything.....about the car tbh except I find the thing ugly and frankly dull. I'm not convinced how Cit will do out if it either. What is it...a seems something and nothing and I suppose the fact that it's a growng market says alot about the taste in motors these days. I hope it does well for the sake if Cit but it looks like a cross between a big blamonge and a sack of spuds :lol:
As you say tho' if it's a 'freebie' so to speak then perhaps they can be it cheap do you know?

Posted: 21 Nov 2007
by Vanny
latests prices i've seen is around £16,000 which seems cheap to me, but i have no idea how that compares with the rest of the market sector!

find me a soft roader that isn't abusively priced that looks half decent, cos i bet you can't, there are ugly its the nature of the beast!

Posted: 22 Nov 2007
by Philhod
I`m going for a test drive in the Ccrosser, hopefully this weekend.
I`m not buying one but John from Rigbye`s said just come and have a drive. He has sold some C6`s (plural) I`ll try and find out how many but I have seenat least 10 different ones aroun N***h Manchester. :lol:

Posted: 22 Nov 2007
by Madcav
Get it to hillnditch and I'll show the fucker up in my Fronterror.

Posted: 22 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
Front - error eh mate? They are ugly those Griffin excuses for a 4 x 4!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: